A selection of our best work

My Fresh Page Project

The Y's national marketing team wanted to engage their members, leverage social media and reward great community improvement ideas. Users cast over 1M votes and 10 grants were awarded to winners.

  • Mobile-friendly
  • Custom development
  • Custom admin system
  • Reporting

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Meet Alex Website

Jellyvision needed a new look for their product's website. We delivered on all the bells and whistles, as well as a great backend system their internal team uses to manage the site.

  • Mobile-friendly
  • Custom admin system
  • Built with WordPress
  • Parallax scrolling

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GimmeAnother App

GimmeAnother needed elegant mobile applications that make re-ordering products easy. We delivered, along with a full tech ecosystem that powers their apps.

  • iPhone app
  • Android app
  • API development
  • eCommerce

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Evidence Challenge

LexisNexis needed an interactive study aid to accompany their popular Evidence eBook. The resulting industry-leading application we created is widely used today by students and law professors.

  • Mobile-friendly
  • Custom development
  • eCommerce
  • Custom admin system

WHISK Website

One of Chicago's top brunch & burger destinations, WHISK, needed a mobile-friendly website that highlighted their food and shared the chefs' story. Customers routinely tell chef/owners Rick and David that the website got them in the door.

  • Mobile-friendly
  • Built with WordPress
  • Built with bacon

Intellihot Website

Intellihot needed a professional, mobile-friendly website to match the quality of their water heater products. We delivered it, as well as a project sizing calculator app that their reps can use in the field.

  • Mobile-friendly
  • Custom admin system

f.y.e. Website

A top online seller of music and movies needed their existing website to look great on mobile and tablet devices. We delivered on a tight deadline and integrated our code into their current eCommerce system.

  • Mobile-friendly
  • eCommerce

Interested in working together? Get in touch.

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