
We work with top companies to build websites and applications that make things better. You’ve probably interacted with or seen our work, so it’s pretty cool to finally meet you.

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The most important things

Whether you’re a marketing manager, a business owner, or just browsing this site because you really enjoy blueberries, we understand that you need to know three things about any technology project you’re considering moving forward with:


What's the best way to get your project done?

Learn how we help you figure that out.

We explain the best options in a clear and honest way.

First, by rule, we listen and ask clarifying questions so we've got a handle on what you're looking to do. Then we present the options available in plain terms, not using coding abbreviations or buzzwords. Someone wise once said “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” Though we "speak nerd,” we're even better listeners, and always seek to prove our expertise by being clear. A big portion of our industry thinks that spouting jargon or fudging knowledge to get a project sounds authoritative, but that’s just noise to us. Our approach is honest and technical, yet always understandable.

Our developers are people with rich experiences and preferences based on what’s worked well in the past, or what we'd like to try. When we’re mapping out a project, we involve our entire team so you get the full benefit of hundreds of past projects, as well as a healthy curiosity for new technologies. This results in a perfectly seasoned, innovative approach to making your project successful.


How much is it going to cost and how long will it take?

Explore how we tackle budgets and deadlines.

Our hourly rate is $125. Project timing is based on three things: the size of project, how quickly you need it, and our overall workload.

For most people (including us, when we're the client) this is the most important question, because deadlines and budgets are real. We work for all sizes of companies, typically with project budgets of $10,000 or more. Our team is flexible, able to ramp up or down depending on the turnaround time needed. In the past, we have built responsive websites in a weekend, but many of our clients work with us for several years on a variety of different projects.

Time and money are critical, but so is value. In addition to a high level of detail in our estimates, we highlight the areas that we foresee delivering incredible value to your company. This gives you the best information possible to make a hiring decision that’s right for you.


What are the logistics, what's to be expected throughout the project?

Learn how we help you figure that out.

Good vibes, starting from a few minutes ago.

It’s super easy to request a quote, especially if you have an existing document or written notes describing your project. Either way, an expert from our company will help gather the project requirements so that an accurate quote can be delivered to you. Typical turnaround time for a quote once the requirements are known is 1-2 business days.

For large projects, or projects where the requirements may be flexible, we typically kick things off with a discovery session between our teams (via web conference or in person). We identify all the project stakeholders and the points of contact, discuss how approvals will work, and set up a weekly progress call. These small steps help guarantee that we create a solid foundation for working together and staying on track.

In addition to meeting deadlines and staying in good communication, we also ask our clients to tap our tech brainpower to generate new ideas and help solve any problems that they might be facing. Your success is our success, so we take an interest in understanding your business and providing insights and ideas into product/market opportunities that we might see from a technology perspective.

Interested in working together? Get in touch.

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